Complaints management
MADAUS Capital Partners GmbH attaches great importance to offering you the best possible service. However, if you are not satisfied, we have set up a complaints office for you:
MADAUS Capital Partners GmbH
Ms. Christine Rommeis
Triftstraße 13, 80538 Munich
MCM will immediately confirm receipt of a complaint addressed to MCM in writing. You will be given a processing time of 3 weeks for processing (coordination and clarification). If it is not possible to resolve your complaint within this period, we will contact you again without being asked. You will be given a new deadline in writing.
If the complaint you have made is not satisfactorily resolved by MCM, you can contact the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) directly. MADAUS Capital Partners GmbH is registered under the institution number 10162556. The contact details are as follows:
Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin)
Graurheindorfer Straße 108
53117 Bonn