Note on the possibility of submitting reports to the internal reporting office in accordance with the HinSchG
Anyone who wishes to report suspected serious legal violations or misconduct can contact our reporting office in confidence. We have set up an internal reporting office for this purpose. Reports can be made by post or e-mail:
By e-mail
By post
MADAUS Capital Partners GmbH
Ms. Christine Rommeis
Triftstraße 13
80538 Munich
The Reporting Office acts as an internal reporting office within the meaning of the Whistleblower Protection Act (HinSchG).
Upon request, the internal reporting office will protect the anonymity of whistleblowers vis-à-vis the company. The facts of the case are clarified by the internal whistleblowing office, which treats reports in strict confidence while safeguarding the rights of the persons concerned.
Please note that for all other matters that do not constitute a criminal offense or a violation of the law from any other point of view, you can contact us using our usual contact details.
The ombudsman's office is not a complaints office. It does not answer complaints and does not forward them.